When STERN PINBALL announced a new title within weeks of the new year the pinball world was caught completely off guard…in Episode 12 of The Pinheadz PODcast Rod, Gaz & Pintech Stevie take a look at how STERN managed to keep it’s new WWE Wrestlemania Pinball secret!
Guest Pinheadz reporter & Australia’s IFPA No.7 ranked player Greg Siegele gives a crash course on how to play like a champion with special guest & PAPA World Champion Cayle George!
Manu ‘SPUDZ’ Smith takes us behind the scenes of the “Most Number Of Pinball Games Played Simultaneously” World Record attempt with Guinness Official & star of the arcade documentary ‘The King Of Kong’ – Walter Day.
We get a sneak peek inside the new manufacturing facility of Heighway Pinball for an ALIEN PINBALL update. PLUS the news that pinball design legend Barry Oursler is official BACK!
ALSO the good news from Planetary Pinball that they’ve been authorised to produce playfield overlays from the original artwork films, we’ll find out if the days of the pre-order are dead AND put your thinking caps on for our first ever pinball gameshow!
Be part of the PODcast via FACEBOOK – Pinheadz Pinball PODcast or TWITTER – @RODsaid #pinheadz
So join broadcaster Rod Cuddihy, international pinball hunter Gary Christiansen & professional pinball technician Steve Hyde for Americana from Down Under, in episode 12 of The Pinheadz Pinball PODcast!